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Here are a few sample screen shots. There are well over 50 screens which are too many to show. These screens are divided into two sections, admin interface and member access interface. Click on a screen shot to see a larger version.

The screens shown are taken from a demo database that was specifically configured for an Exodus International type of non-profit ministry rather than a church. Our product can just as easily be configured to fit the needs of a church.

Member Screens

These are a few of the Admin's "Member Information" screens.

Member Details Screen

Most of the details about the member contained on this screen.

Member Giving and Payments Screen

A listing of the member's transactions and a place to enter more.

Member Program Screen
Details about the programs in which the member is participating.

Member Custom Fields Screen
Custom member fields created by the ministry administrator.

Member Saved Credit Cards Screen
Stored credit card info for automatic payments for programs & pledges.


Other Admin Screens

These are a few of the many administrative screens.

Bank Deposits Screen
Groups your transactions to match your bank deposits.

Custom Intake Form & Surveys Screen
Design your own custom intake forms, surveys, and evaluation forms.

Admin Home Page Screen
shows statistics, to-do list, recent logins and more.

Custom Email notifications Screen
Customize your email notifications and receipt letters.

Create Custom Fields Screen
Create custom fields for your members like baptism dates, anniversarys, and more.

Create/Manage Programs Screen
Add new programs and manage the members participating in those programs.

Batch Print Receipts Screen
Print all your receipts and mailing labels for the receipts from this screen.

Program Approval Screen
Approve member participation in programs if you require approval.

Member's Area Screens

There is an area where your members can login and view their giving records, make donations, make pledges, join programs, upload their photos and much more.

Screen shots coming very soon, check back

Member's Home Page
This is the first page your member's see when they log in.

Member's "My Info" Page
Members get to update their information on this page and upload a photo.

Member's Giving History Page
Members get to view their giving and payment history. Includes a printer friendly version.

Member's Donation/payment Page
Members can make donations or payments for their programs from this page.

Member's Program Signup Page
Members can signup for programs online. There is also a similar pledge sign up page.